Newsletter Survey

Posted on March 2nd, 2022

Lakeside Club Condominium Association

March 2022

Newsletter Survey

The Lakeside Board would like to get your feedback to improve our communication to our owners.  Please answer the following questions and return to Todd Jacobs at DG&N in the envelope provided or scan the document and email to

  1. Do you read the Lakeside monthly newsletter?

Yes                               No

            Circle one

  1. How often would you like to receive the Lakeside newsletter?

Monthly                       Quarterly

                           Circle one

  1. What topics would you like to have included?




  1. How would you like to receive your Newsletter?

Mail                             Email                            Website

                        Circle one

  1. What changes to the format, if any, would you like to see?




  1. Other feedback related to the Newsletter:







Thanks for your input!!  Shelly Germain